Luminary Motions

We need to move, and when there’s breath it must be breathed out even before the words are fully formed

Through, despite and beyond

“Moses returned to the Lord and said, “Why, Lord, why have You brought trouble on this people? Is this why you sent me?

Ever since I went to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has brought trouble on this people, and You have not rescued Your people at all.” Exodus 5:22-23

Moses gets discouragement. That feeling when you try to do what God’s asking and the situation gets worse. It already seems crazy, you already doubt yourself, and you have no evidence for this being any kind of good idea.

We know the end of the story - this particular one of God breaking through in a way that sets the tone for His salvation of His people throughout generations and on to the eternal, cosmic rescue plan in Christ. But if we didn’t, if we were there in time with him, we might also think that this plan was turning out to be ineffective to say the least. We might be tempted to advise him in wisdom, if not logic, based on the evidence.

Unless of course we had a clear understanding of Who Yahweh is and what it means when He calls.

Is this the classic roadblock story? It probably felt so long at the time before even this first exodus happened. And he (Moses) didn’t even know that he’d die before he saw the promise. He probably felt like an exhausted failure much of the time, trying to return to the memory of the miraculous and the callings early on, trying not to give up at every obstacle - or maybe wanting to.

But Yahweh is faithful. He accomplished His purpose through, despite and beyond Moses. Through Moses’ obedience (as unwilling as it was sometimes), despite discouragement and fearful lack of trust, and beyond his life. Yahweh delivered His people and eventually brought them into the Promised Land so that He could ultimately deliver His people and eventually bring them into the ultimate Promised Land. It was hard for the humans, but it’s never been too hard for God, or been beyond His conceptions.

Thank You, Lord. I trust You to accomplish Your good purpose through & despite & beyond my very imperfect, often discouraged, probably untrusting & unwilling obedience.
